Siege Mentality: Why Vienna Used Relics To Fund Mercenaries
Vienna used church relics to mint emergency coins and fund mercenaries during the 1529 Ottoman...
Is This The Coin That Killed Caesar?
Discover how Julius Caesar's depiction on coins as Dictator for Life contributed to his...
118 Preview - Neil Paisley Shares His Highlights Ahead of October's Ancient, British and World Coin Auction
Discover the highlights of Baldwin's upcoming Ancient, British, and World Coin Auction, featuring...
Ema Sikic, World Coins Specialist meets The Kensington and Chelsea Review
Ema Sikic discusses her numismatic passion, featuring Samurai money and the intriguing coinage of...
In conversation with Lina Fitzjames
Discover Lina Fitzjames' journey into the world of numismatics and her passion for coin collecting...
A Yorkshire Watchmaker's Ingenious Solution to a Nation's Coin Crisis
Discover how a Yorkshire watchmaker, James Carlill, and other merchants solved Britain's small...